Custom-made explosion protection solutions for LNG end users
What does safety right up to the end of the LNG value chain mean? Consistent explosion protection on bunker vessels, as well as storage tanks of all sizes. Particular attention must also be paid to safety at LNG filling stations for heavy-duty traffic and where ships that use LNG as a fuel are filled directly. LNG and methane are extremely flammable and belong to explosion group IIA (ATEX, IECEx). For decades, R. STAHL has offered certified solutions that can be adapted for any LNG applications and provide long-term protection against explosions.
In all these applications, explosion protection concepts require a zone plan. First and foremost, the aim is to prevent or restrict any dangerous explosive atmospheres. Furthermore, measures that prevent sources of ignition – including lightning strikes, the formation of sparks, arcing, friction, and electrostatic energy – improve safety.
LNG storage tanks play a part in every application. Additional specific aspects need to be considered too.

Protection needs a strong partner
We are a leading supplier of explosion protection equipment with a globally certified portfolio of products and services that keep everyone in the LNG value chain safe. What is more, our decades of experience in the field allows us to customise our solutions.