Components for Ex e solutions R. STAHL
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General customer information on Directive 2006/42/EC (Machinery Directive) Operation Instruction

Long-life electrical components for Ex e enclosures
R. STAHL offers a wide variety of explosion-protected electrical components for installing in Ex e enclosures. These components are designed and manufactured in Germany in accordance with the latest standards and directives. High-quality materials that can withstand extreme stresses make them durable. Not only this, but we have designed these components with ease of installation and low maintenance requirements in mind, which means the amount of work you need to carry out is much reduced.

R. STAHL's specialists in Germany are hard at work developing and improving our comprehensive portfolio of components for installing in Ex e enclosures. These components comply with the latest standards and directives and can be used worldwide thanks to their international certification. Our sophisticated design reduces the amount of installation work involved and minimises the maintenance requirements later on. Our components are made from high-quality materials and can withstand extreme stresses. Our range includes circuit breakers, relays, power supplies, busbars, transformers, contact elements, enclosure heaters, ammeters and voltmeters, to name but a few.

  • Explosion-protected electrical components for installing in Ex e enclosures
  • Easy to install, low-maintenance and capable of withstanding extreme stresses
  • International certification for use the world over