Ex p system Series 8621, 7621

The Ex p system 8621 is ideal for safe control and monitoring of Ex p control cabinets in a range of sizes. The highly accurate pressure sensors, which are redundantly present for the Ex Zone 1 version, enable operation near the pressure switch-off threshold. This reduces the required leakage quantities to a minimum and guarantees very cost-effective continuous operation.The concept with a modular system component structure enables purge times and purge pressures to be adapted to meet current requirements. To do so, only the number of purge gas outlets (Ex p pressure monitors) needs to be changed in order to drastically reduce the purge time or purge pressure, if the same Ex p controller is used.To guarantee that adverse environmental conditions can be withstood, our tried-and-tested glass fibre reinforced polyester has been selected as the enclosure material. Additionally, optional suitable protective collars are available as protection against heavy rainfall.A device as simple as it is effective (Ex p vortex air cooler) is available for cooling Ex p cabinets. In this respect, too, the cooling power is regulated solely by the number of structurally identical devices that are installed.

  • All-round Ex p system for Ex p cabinets from 10 to 4000 litres
  • Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22
  • Mounted on the roof or lateral enclosure wall
  • Ex p controller in DC 24 V, AC 115 V or AC 230 V
  • Compact construction design, simple mounting
  • Ex p parameters are adjusted using the display, regardless of language

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Application range (zones)
Auxiliary power rated operating voltage
Ex p controller enable contact
Purging air nozzle
Ex p pressure reducer
Purge time range pressure regulation

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