Diodes Series 8208
Art. No.: 140722

Product Type: 8208/14-02-0003
Product description: Control unit With 3 diodes Type 1N4005
max. ambient temperature: +60 °C
min. ambient temperature: -50 °C
Zone Filter: M2 | Mb / Zone 1 | 2 G | Gb / Zone 2 | 3 G | Gc
Certificates: ATEX (PTB), Brazil (ULB), China (CQST), IECEx (PTB), SIL (exida)
Country of origin: DE

Technical data


Product Type 8208/14-02-0003
Product description Control unit With 3 diodes Type 1N4005
Version 2 type 1N4005
Highlights Flameproof diode module
Versions with different internal wiring
Universally usable for a range of control tasks
Wide service temperature range
Four screw terminals each with two clamping units with increased safety (Ex e)
Large clamping range for solid or stranded conductors
For installation in an Ex e enclosure on a toothed mounting rail
International certificates available
Functional Description The flameproof diode module in the 8208 universal enclosure is versatile enough to be used for various different control tasks in hazardous areas. This compact device is designed for installation in enclosures with increased safety (Ex e) type of protection. It is mounted on a toothed mounting rail. Four Ex e screw terminals each with two clamping units are available for the electrical connection.

Explosion Protection

Electrical Data

Ambient Conditions

Mechanical Data


Commercial data


Description Document Type Language
Control unit With 3 diodes Type 1N4005 - 8208/14-02-0003 - 140722 - de-DE Data Sheet
Control unit With 3 diodes Type 1N4005 - 8208/14-02-0003 - 140722 - en-GB Data Sheet
Control unit With 3 diodes Type 1N4005 - 8208/14-02-0003 - 140722 - es-ES Data Sheet
Control unit With 3 diodes Type 1N4005 - 8208/14-02-0003 - 140722 - fr-FR Data Sheet