Ex d stainless steel

Stainless steel empty enclosure that meets Ex d and Ex t requirements
R. STAHL's stainless steel empty enclosures with Ex d and Ex t types of protection are suitable for the installation of industrial devices and components. Choose between a screw-on cover or hinges with a user-friendly opening angle of 180°.

R. STAHL's stainless steel empty enclosures are available with Ex d (flameproof enclosure) and Ex t (protection provided by enclosure) types of protection. This makes them suitable for the installation of industrial devices and components in hazardous areas. These enclosures are available with either a screw-on cover or hinges. The hinges have a practical opening angle of 180°. The empty enclosures have partial certification, which can be used only as a basis for certifying a device or protective system in Zones 1, 2 and 21, 22.

  • Available with Ex d (flameproof enclosure) and Ex t (protection provided by enclosure) types of protection
  • Stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316L) enclosure
  • With a choice of either screw-on cover or hinges (hinged versions feature wide opening angle of 180°)

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