Operator Station OS IT-567 (discontinued)

Product Type: OS IT-567-FX
Country of origin: DE

Technical data


Product Type OS IT-567-FX
Highlights Thin Client Operator Station, 22" display, 1680 x 1050
Stainless steel enclosure IP66, optional acc. to GMP, for installation in safe areas
Display of the 19" (1280 x 1024) resolution true to 5:4 format
Optional resistive glass or foil touch screen
Functional Description The OS IT-567 HMI series consists of Thin Client Operator Stations for safe areas. Their brilliant 22" widescreen displays with a resolution of 1680 x 1050 pixels (format 16:10), are available with or without touch screen. The stainless steel enclosures (SS304 or SS316L) are available with a front opening or in cleanroom-compliant design and with different mounting options. Country-specific keyboards, pointer instruments and RFID and barcode scanners are useful accessories making work easier and extending functionality. Data is transmitted via Ethernet as 100Base-FX via multi-mode fibre optic up to 2 km.
Series Operator Station OS IT-567 (discontinued)
Product description 22" Thin Client
HMI type Operator station
Technology Remote HMI Thin Client

Explosion Protection

Electrical Data


Ambient Conditions

Mechanical Data

Mounting / Installation

HMI General


Commercial data


Description Document Type Language
Thin Client SERIES 500 Device platform MANTA - OS IT-567-FX - de-DE Single Data Sheet
Thin Client SERIES 500 Device platform MANTA - OS IT-567-FX - en-GB Single Data Sheet
Thin Client SERIES 500 Device platform MANTA - OS IT-567-FX - fr-FR Single Data Sheet