
Wide range of thermostats for use in hazardous areas
R. STAHL's thermostats ensure that the required temperatures are reliably maintained. Our comprehensive range includes numerous types, designs and output levels – whatever your hazardous-area situation, we have the right model here for you. Clever accessories optimise your installations.

R. STAHL's thermostats are available in a variety of designs and for different applications: Ambient temperature thermostats, capillary tube thermostats and electronic thermostats, as well as thermostats for wall-mounting. They provide frost protection and ensure that the correct temperature is maintained in control boxes, electrical wiring and telecommunications systems. We tailor the size, design and output of the thermostats to your exact requirements.

  • Reliable temperature setting for a wide range of applications
  • Suitable for Ex Zones 1 and 2
  • Suitable for shipbuilding, offshore applications and extreme temperatures

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Min. ambient temperature
Max. ambient temperature
Opening temperature OFF
Closing temperature ON
Designation 1

9 Series (30 Products)