Ex d aluminium

Aluminium empty enclosure that meets Ex d and Ex t requirements
R. STAHL's aluminium empty enclosures with Ex d and Ex t types of protection are suitable for the installation of industrial devices and components in hazardous areas. These cost-effective single enclosures are made from aluminium, which makes them incredibly lightweight. They are suitable for a wide range of temperatures, which means they can be used all over the world.

R. STAHL's aluminium empty enclosures are available with Ex d (flameproof enclosure) and Ex t (protection provided by enclosure) types of protection. This makes them suitable for the installation of industrial devices and components in hazardous areas. They are cost-effective and, because they are made from aluminium, incredibly lightweight. They can withstand both high and low temperatures, making them suitable for use worldwide. The empty enclosures have partial certification, which can be used only as a basis for certifying a device or protective system in Zones 1, 2 and 21, 22.

  • Available with Ex d (flameproof enclosure) and Ex t (protection provided by enclosure) types of protection
  • Lightweight aluminium construction
  • Temperature range allows for use worldwide

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