Operator Station OS IT-579 (discontinued)

The Operator Stations device platform MANTA-GMP IT-579 SERIES are developed for operations in cleanrooms according to EU-GMP directives for cleanroom grade C and EHEDG. The data transmission is done via Dual-Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-TX with CAT7 up to a distance of 100 m. The Operator Stations can be mounted on a fixed or mobile stand. Optional available is a capacitiv projected touchscreen, are keyboards with touchpad or trackball as well as additional accessories like barcode reader e.g.

  • Modular Thin Client Operator Station in GMP cleanroom enclosure
  • Display size 24“ (1920 x 1080 pixel)
  • Capacitiv glass touchscreen, multitouch
  • For installation in safe areas and cleanrooms according to EHEDG- and EU-GMP directives for cleanroom grade C
  • Mounting on stand / mobile stand
  • Dual-Monitor solutions
  • Optional keyboard with pointing device also optional accessories as Barcode scanner e.g.

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Operator Station OS IT-579 (discontinued) R. STAHL