Physical layer diagnostics

Making optimal use of advanced physical layer diagnostics
9412 series fieldbus power supplies continuously read the physical layer parameters in fieldbus segments. The 9415 series diagnostic communications module (DCM) transmits this data to the host or asset management systems via FF H1. Supported by EDD and DTM, you will always know exactly where you are when it comes to the current status of your fieldbus installation.

ISbus series fieldbus power supplies continuously read all relevant physical layer values in accordance with NAMUR NE 123, for example voltage/current, jitter, noise, signal level and unbalance. Our 9415 series diagnostic communications module reads these values from up to eight FF H1 segments and transmits them to the host or asset management system via an H1 segment of your choice.

An EDD and/or a DTM make(s) data easy to integrate and evaluate. These provide numerous alarm and pre-alarm setting options, access to maintenance information and detailed reports, as well as visualizing trends.

This enables you to make optimal use of the data that has been read and to evaluate it, allowing you to continuously monitor the physical layer of your fieldbus installation.

  • Transmission of diagnostics data from up to eight FF H1 segments and processing in accordance with NAMUR NE 107 and FF-912
  • Easy integration into asset management systems via FF H1 and EDD/DTM
  • Supported diagnostics, including segment power supply, jitter, noise, signal level and unbalance

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