Wireless / network enclosure system - Zone 2

The 9851 wireless/network enclosure system enables the use of standard wireless or network devices such as the WiFi access point, gateways with mobile communications, LoRaWAN, Bluetooth or RFID readers in Zone 2 that do not have approval for operation in hazardous areas. The international approvals make it possible to quickly implement a project-specific, customised structure or an OEM solution.

Compared with solutions based on Ex d enclosures made of metal, the weight is reduced by up to 70%. The effort required for mounting is significantly reduced. The enclosure is made of glass fibre reinforced plastic, which allows the radio signals to be emitted, meaning that external antennas are not required. The connection is established via a separate connection chamber, which means that no access to the Ex nR enclosure is required and minimises maintenance work.

  • Fast implementation of a customised structure or OEM solution
  • No need to regularly check the tightness of the Ex nR enclosure part
  • Five enclosure versions to choose from
  • Expert support from R. STAHL
  • Full range of cables for the field wiring
  • Ceiling mounting permitted

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