Single-channel safety barriers

Intrinsic safety using single-channel safety barriers
Using R. STAHL's single-channel safety barriers, you can connect to HART transmitters, contacts, temperature sensors, solenoid valves, indicators and much more, intrinsically safe. They can be combined in many different ways, occupy a limited amount of space and require very little maintenance.

The design of R. STAHL's single-channel zener barriers features a high robustness combined with a low footprint – as a result, not only do they take up very little space, but you can also expect an impressively long service life. What is more, they are easy to install. All you need to do is snap them onto the DIN rail, this action having the added advantage that it establishes the required potential equalization. A standardised back-up fuse that can be used in any model simplifies storage and maintenance.

R. STAHL's experts are always on hand to help you choose the best zener barrier for your needs, decide whether equipment can be classified as simple apparatus and generate an assessment report.

  • Comprehensive portfolio of safety barriers for solutions fit for any application
  • Compact design – just 12 mm wide
  • Easy to install, including equipotential bonding connection

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Class1 Division and Zone
Particularly suitable for
Application range (zones)
Ex interface zone
Max. Voltage Uo
Max. Current Io
Max. power Po
Nominal voltage
Max. resistance Rmax