
Easy-to-read current and voltage values in hazardous areas
R. STAHL's explosion-protected ammeters and voltmeters measure current and voltage values and display them in an easy-to-read format. The adjustable red pointer shows you at a glance the extent to which a measured value deviates from the specified value.

R. STAHL's ammeters and voltmeters use a moving iron or permanent-magnet moving coil movement that fulfils the requirements for accuracy class 2.5. These instruments measure current and voltage respectively, displaying the measured values on an easy-to-read scale. You can adjust the red pointer on the outside of the device. This pointer allows you to see at a glance the extent to which the actual measured value deviates from it. The scale plate that can be pushed in at the side on versions with CT connection (1 A and 5 A) makes assigning a measurement range in situ a quick and easy task.

  • Compare the measured value with specified values more quickly
  • For installation in Ex e enclosures
  • Replaceable scale plate makes assigning measurement ranges easy for versions with CT connection, versions for direct connection also available

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Product Description
AC rated operational voltage
Rated operational current for AC
Min. ambient temperature
Max. ambient temperature